The Littlest Meap

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

New domain

Posted by: meaplet on: April 17, 2008

Sorry, RSS readers! You got an unexpected surprise today in the form of all the entries you’ve read before… given to you again, as a bountiful gift from WordPress. This is actually exciting news because it means that I spent my lunch break fiddling around and linking the blog to the domain, which I’ve […]


And another one thing

Posted by: meaplet on: April 16, 2008

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that I did some blogging elsewhere–and came out about my obsession with data. At least I didn’t go into details about how Tax Day excites me because of the abstract thought of the amount of data that gets collected and the cool analysis you could do on […]

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Pliny the Younger: Blogger?

Posted by: meaplet on: April 16, 2008

In the updated version of his Safire’s Political Dictionary, William Safire traces “blogger” to mean something like “person who persuades opinions and communicates by the written word.” He claims that it goes back as far as Pliny the Younger. Now, when I first heard this, I thought it was total bullshit. But the more I […]

Bernal Heights

Posted by: meaplet on: April 6, 2008

I spent today having bicycle adventures in Bernal Heights. I read last night that the loop around Bernal Heights is almost exactly one mile and a good place to do laps/hill training, so I decided to check it out. First, of course, that meant biking up to the top. I did a couple of laps […]

This is how we actually talk

Posted by: meaplet on: March 23, 2008

B: Why is it that none of the hand towels in our apartment ABSORB WATER? me: Because that isn’t their intended behavior. B: ::looks at me skeptically:: me: They’re from IKEA; they’re meant to be decorative, not useful. If you want water-absorption, file a feature request. B: But then I’ll have to pay for the […]


Posted by: meaplet on: March 19, 2008

I have been thinking lately about eyebrows with emoticons. Once I started (attempting to come up with a way to indicate sarcasm via a raised eyebrow) I found that they’re incredibly expressive, possibly more so than their standard counterparts. A few examples: ô_ō raised eyebrow (sarcasm/ dry joke) ô_ô surprise ò_ó anger ó_ò sadness/pitiful eyes […]

Civilization showdown

Posted by: meaplet on: March 17, 2008

Today, I had a most edifying conversation with my good friend Erica. I was showing her the brackets for the March of Time Madness. Me: Victorian Era or Enlightenment? Her: Enlightenment, for sure! Me: Elizabethan Era or Dark Ages? Her: Elizabethans! Me: Viking Era or Minoan Greece? Her: Vikings! Me: Nooooo! Minoan Greece! Her: Dude, […]

Molly’s Karmic Rule of Mental Illness

Posted by: meaplet on: March 2, 2008

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(Based on Dan Savage’s Karmic Rule of Kink) If you break up with the honest person with an anxiety disorder, you are destined to marry the dishonest schizophrenic.


Some people are demanding

Posted by: meaplet on: February 22, 2008

Certain people claim that I am not a satisfactory blogger if I don’t update every day for their reading pleasure. To that, I say “pfft, enable comments on your blog and then we’ll see what I do on my blog.” Anyway, below is a genuine email exchange that took place in my work email over […]


Presidential Brunch

Posted by: meaplet on: February 18, 2008

Today, to celebrate the birthdays of two presidents, the man who came up with evolution, and myself, I hosted a small brunch. George Washington’s birthday was either February 22 or February 11, depending on how you count things (the calendar system changed within his lifetime, so the day of the year that was February 11 […]