The Littlest Meap

Archive for May 2009

As May ends…

Posted by: meaplet on: May 30, 2009

May has been an interesting month. I’ve had a lot of projects wrapping up, which has meant a lot of stress. But I’ve also done some really fun stuff. You’ve already heard a bit about London, but here are some other things that happened in May, illustrated. From May fun, 2009 The weekend after I […]

Two zombies

Posted by: meaplet on: May 16, 2009

As some of you may know, I recently returned from a trip to visit Ariel in London. We did a whole lot of tourism, but not necessarily the most traditional kind. For instance, while we did go to Buckingham Palace, it was not for the changing of the guards, and while we did go to […]

Swine Flu

Posted by: meaplet on: May 3, 2009

Like most everyone else, I’ve spent the last week fixated on the Swine Flu/H1N1/whatever the cool kids are calling it today. I’ve been reading NPR’s Flu Shots blog, gossiping about #swineflu on Twitter, and speculating with not a little anxiety about that international trip I’ve got planned for next week. But, geeky soul that I […]