The Littlest Meap

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  • Comments Off on A reminder: please don’t donate to the Salvation Army this winter!

I sent this email out to several family members tonight and I thought I’d share it here. It’s most topical for those currently in the northern hemisphere, particularly in the US, but it’s a good reminder in general about charitable donations. —- Hi beloved family! I hope you’re having a good winter! Especially as the […]

Long-abandoned, not forgotton

Posted by: meaplet on: June 12, 2011

Goodness, it’s been a long time since I updated this blog. But having spent some time this afternoon migrating it from to a hosted wordpress blog, and even more time jumping through my posts and reading about a year and a half of my life, I’m trying to figure out what I actually want […]


From Ireland

Posted by: meaplet on: November 11, 2009

Hey guys, I’m like, in Ireland and stuff this week. We’re pushing out a big stage of my big project this week, and so the two members of our team who are in the States came over to Dublin for a weeklong intensive with the guy on our team who is here (he got to […]

My kind of teachable moment

Posted by: meaplet on: September 21, 2009

In the alternate universe where I have a dorky logic blog (which is, I must confess, a very close universe to this one), this post lives on it. The “pornography causes homosexuality” news story that has been making the rounds today is the most delightful example of a classical logical fallacy that I’ve seen in […]


Posted by: meaplet on: September 5, 2009

Last week, I acquired two things of note (for certain definitions of “of note”). They are, in chronological order, an antenna so that I can watch broadcast tv, and the worst head cold I’ve head since 2003, which trapped me in my apartment for two days with nothing to do but knit and watch tv. […]

Cell phone blues

Posted by: meaplet on: August 29, 2009

I lost my cellphone yesterday. Panicking experience–I was on my way to visit my grandparents, and I was running an hour early. I only had a couple of minutes to catch the next train north though, and I dashed from the shuttle to the train, only to have the doors close while I was buying […]

Review: Rent Boy Ave.

Posted by: meaplet on: August 3, 2009

A few minutes before Rent Boy Ave. started, a disheveled, obviously drunk woman stumbled in though a side door with two plastic cups of liquid slopping out of her hands. “That’s called sauvignon blanc,” she slurred and handed them to a man sitting in the front row. She then worked her way around the audience, […]

Pageant and Pomp and Parade

Posted by: meaplet on: July 2, 2009

Today marks the 233rd anniversary of the day the US Continental Congress voted unanimously for Independence from Great Britain. John Adams wrote to Abigail, The Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as […]


Posted by: meaplet on: June 17, 2009

Dear California, I really need to stop reading Calitics, because the more I read about your politics, the less I understand. No wonder Prop 8 was upheld; we have an absolutely insane system of government in this state. Apparently the State Parks aren’t going to be closed after all; that is, it seems, a measure […]

As May ends…

Posted by: meaplet on: May 30, 2009

May has been an interesting month. I’ve had a lot of projects wrapping up, which has meant a lot of stress. But I’ve also done some really fun stuff. You’ve already heard a bit about London, but here are some other things that happened in May, illustrated. From May fun, 2009 The weekend after I […]