Posted by: meaplet on: November 11, 2009
Hey guys,
I’m like, in Ireland and stuff this week. We’re pushing out a big stage of my big project this week, and so the two members of our team who are in the States came over to Dublin for a weeklong intensive with the guy on our team who is here (he got to come to Mountain View the last 4 times we worked together in person).
Having the entire team in the same time zone is pretty awesome for getting stuff done.
Also, it turns out that Ireland in the winter is the prettiest thing that ever happened. The sunlight shifts down in horizontal shafts from the clouds, illuminating the hills that you can see just over the city skyline and lighting up patches of grass and heather.
We got in Sunday morning, and rented a car to do a wee bit of tourism before settling in to Dublin for the week. We drove down to Wicklow and wandered around in Glendalough, which I think might have a direct connection to Avalon.
My breathing hasn’t quite returned to normal. If I stayed in this country for too long, I’d probably have no choice but to become a poet. Or worse, spend all my time going tira-lira like Lancelot.
I’m celebrating the completion of the project by taking next week off and being an itinerant in Europe. Trains and ferries are going to be my friend, and I’m hopefully going to see some theatre, punt on the Thames, bike around Amsterdam, and the like (most of next week I’ll be in the Netherlands, but my flight back to the States leaves from London.) Life is hard.
I’m going to be continually updating the photoset I’ve temporarily called Eurotrip, if you want to follow along. I’ll probably rename it as soon as I come up with a more obscure reference to that excellent film (and no, “Scotty Doesn’t Know” doesn’t count, I’ve decided.)
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