on that last with the thetas, he looks like he’s glaring at someone. it’s a great reaction to
When you call it “the ‘obviously lying voice’ debacle,” it sort of makes me think, “the ‘obviously lying voice’ debacle was a sad low point of the Meaplet administration.”
However, I, too, often say the opposite of what I mean. I do so much less in writing, I suspect, but maybe that is because I don’t have raised-eyebrow emoticons. A fellow student from Minnesota once suggested this generous use of sarcasm was a regional trait. I’m not sure. There are definitely people who don’t tend to catch on, though, and I find it difficult to talk to them at all.
It’s true, Marjorie. It would be really upsetting to have conversations with you if I didn’t know that you mostly don’t mean those things about destroying France and killing homeless people.
… oh wait, those are the things you don’t talk about, but actually do.
Yay! Glad to help. ~_o
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March 20, 2008 at 5:26 am
*laughs* Oh Molly. You go pretty far in your dedication towards emoticons! <3