Posted by: meaplet on: March 23, 2008
B: Why is it that none of the hand towels in our apartment ABSORB WATER? me: Because that isn’t their intended behavior. B: ::looks at me skeptically:: me: They’re from IKEA; they’re meant to be decorative, not useful. If you want water-absorption, file a feature request. B: But then I’ll have to pay for the […]
Posted by: meaplet on: March 17, 2008
Today, I had a most edifying conversation with my good friend Erica. I was showing her the brackets for the March of Time Madness. Me: Victorian Era or Enlightenment? Her: Enlightenment, for sure! Me: Elizabethan Era or Dark Ages? Her: Elizabethans! Me: Viking Era or Minoan Greece? Her: Vikings! Me: Nooooo! Minoan Greece! Her: Dude, […]
Posted by: meaplet on: March 2, 2008
(Based on Dan Savage’s Karmic Rule of Kink) If you break up with the honest person with an anxiety disorder, you are destined to marry the dishonest schizophrenic.
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