Posted by: meaplet on: July 21, 2008
I got back yesterday from 10 days in Miami, FL, at the GALA (Gay and Lesbian Association of) Choruses Festival 2008. GALA involved eight days of, well, choral music. And gay people. And fun.
The title of this post is based on “It is the Song,” a piece commissioned for the Festival Mixed Chorus, of which my own chorus, the Lesbian/Gay Chorus of San Francisco, was a part. In the interests of this NOT being the post I will be writing all my life (which, unlike the song I have been singing all my life, is NOT a metaphor for being a homosexual), the rest of the post will be divided into short and useful sessions. If you wish for a day-by-day breakdown of witty one-liners, please see the Twitter updates on the side of this page.
Lessons learned
Highlights of “things Molly scribbled in her 200-page program”
New games we should play
(In the style of the and the Peter O’Toole game (People You Thought Were Dead Until They Turned out to be Still Alive) Fay Wray game (People You Thought Had Been Dead Until You Read Their Obituary and Found Out Were Alive All This Time))
The George Michael Game (People you thought were already out until they had big media comings out) and The Seabiscuit Game (People your hometown claims are celebrities, who actually turn out to be celebrities).
What about your own perfomance, Molly?
How about we don’t talk about that? The monitor, which would have allowed us to hear ourselves on the stage with lousy acoustics, was down. I could really only hear me, the piano, and maybe one or two people near me. Apparently other people in LGCSF couldn’t even hear the piano.
I reiterate, let’s not talk about that.
Meaplet Molly,
You maketh me to laugh, forsooth. Your paragraph about the difference between men’s choruses and women’s choruses is particularly pithy. People often try to assert: they are the same! Don’t foment division! And yet: they are not the same. Groups of men behave differently than groups of women. And groups of gay men behave differently than groups of gay/lesbian/bi/questioning women (for it seems women’s choruses are frequently made up of different sexual identities than men’s choruses) This is neither bad nor good, it just is. I, for one, am glad to see someone else put this down in writing. Men and women are different. And I, for one, cry, ‘Vive la difference!’
Since you are a citizen of San Fran, check w/ Kathleen McG to see if you could (legally) obtain a copy of their recording of Gay vs Straight Composers for its premier concert last May. There were 2 sections Kathleen and I chose to leave out in service of brevity: Chopin and Wagner. (Was Chopin gay? Who knows? Was Wagner? Certainly not)
I am just now shaking the humidity and Miami dust off my Seattle body. What a huge geographical, socio-economic, gustatory, temperature and moisture difference! I do miss the thousands of hunky Cuban men, tho.
psst. i found you.
let the mass exodus from lj continue!
ELB: very happy to hear from you! Considering the “intellectual crush” mentioned in the post itself… I was more than a little bit excited to have you respond. I will definitely have to check in with Kathleen re: Gay vs. Straight Composers
Katie: Yes, here I am, away from the tumult and strife that is the LJ. Now, to add your new non-LJ blog to my feed reader…
Ai: <3
Linda sent me over — I love your account of our week together.
–the other brown haired one….
Comments are closed.
July 21, 2008 at 9:42 pm
YOU HAD FUN. *cheers*