Posted by: meaplet on: May 29, 2008
Steve: Sneezes Silence Steve: Thanks Me: Go to Hell.
Posted by: meaplet on: May 27, 2008
I could leave my apartment right now and go to a birthday party for WordPress. Or I could go to bed, like a good girl. OR I could watch my third Star Trek episode of the night. (ETA: Or, apparently, I could spend the next two hours writing up a weekend recap)
Posted by: meaplet on: May 26, 2008
I learned a few lessons about password security over the last week, and thought I’d share them. I’m well acquainted with the standard techniques of password security, and I always use medium to long passwords with a combination of upper and lower-case letters, and numbers. I’m not quite comfortable yet with using special characters in […]
Posted by: meaplet on: May 15, 2008
Quick update to be thrilled as can be about the end to the ban on gay marriage in California. Supreme Court, I give you the thumbs up. Now, to find a nice girl to marry… — On a linguistic note, I’ve been mildly irked all day by the one-man-one-woman quotation that everybody in the universe […]
Posted by: meaplet on: May 7, 2008
A conversation I had yesterday set me thinking about the sorts of “grammar rules” one learns in high school. Unlike most of my peers, I did not read Strunk and White until some point in college, when my little sister gave me a copy as a gift. Instead, my primary guide was Lucile Vaughn Payne’s […]
Posted by: meaplet on: May 1, 2008
Remember that time when, instead of doing any work, I went to conferences all day and my chief business was to scmooze and make connections and take photos like the one below of MC Hammer? That was a sweet week. Check out my album on Picasa for some other photos, including more celebrities. It is […]
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