Posted by: meaplet on: February 22, 2008
Certain people claim that I am not a satisfactory blogger if I don’t update every day for their reading pleasure. To that, I say “pfft, enable comments on your blog and then we’ll see what I do on my blog.”
Anyway, below is a genuine email exchange that took place in my work email over the last day or so. I hope you enjoy it; I certainly did.
from [coworker 1]
to [coworker 2]
cc [meaplet], [coworker 2’s manager]
date Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 8:55 AM
subject Death to hyphy?[coworker 2],
I know that since you’re in Hyderabad you probably didnt see this week’s cover of SF weekly:’s right the “Demise” of Hyphy. I will send along the phsyical copy I have which calls it the DEATH of hyphy.
[meaplet] thinks they’re confused. It’s cause you’re in India! Hyphy isnt dead, it’s just asleep cause [coworker 2] is away!
Have a great time, and know that we’re looking forward to your (and Hyphy’s) imminent return to the Yay.
[coworker 1]
from [coworker 2]
to [coworker 1]
cc [meaplet], [coworker 2’s manager]
date Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 7:32 PM
subject Re: Death to hyphy?Haha thanks [coworker 1]. Guess I got a little greedy and took all the hyphy with me. I’ll bring it back, fa sho. ;)
Keep it real in the Yay … * pops collar *
– [coworker 2]
Moral of the story: the Bay Guardian, no longer satisfied with harshing on my employer, is now harshing on KMEL as well. What’s up with that?
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