Posted by: meaplet on: September 7, 2008
There’s something unsettling about the fact that the De Young museum allows photography of its exhibits. It turns the accustomed relationship between the art and the viewers on its head and fills its galleries with visitors who are seeing the exhibit not with an eye for the compositions that the artist created but with an […]
Posted by: meaplet on: May 7, 2008
A conversation I had yesterday set me thinking about the sorts of “grammar rules” one learns in high school. Unlike most of my peers, I did not read Strunk and White until some point in college, when my little sister gave me a copy as a gift. Instead, my primary guide was Lucile Vaughn Payne’s […]
Posted by: meaplet on: April 16, 2008
In the updated version of his Safire’s Political Dictionary, William Safire traces “blogger” to mean something like “person who persuades opinions and communicates by the written word.” He claims that it goes back as far as Pliny the Younger. Now, when I first heard this, I thought it was total bullshit. But the more I […]
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